‘Better is peace than ever war’.-king arthur

Source: This quote is from "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Sir Thomas Malory. The book was first published in 1485 by William Caxton.

Context: The line "better is the peace than ever war" appears in a section where King Arthur reflects on the consequences of constant conflict. It is part of a larger narrative in which Arthur, a legendary British leader, contemplates the toll that perpetual warfare takes on his kingdom and his people. The quote underscores a moment of introspection for Arthur amidst the ongoing struggles and battles that define his reign.

Explanation: In this quote, King Arthur expresses a fundamental truth about the value of peace over war. Despite his role as a warrior king and the frequent battles he must fight, Arthur recognizes that the benefits of peace far outweigh the glory and devastation of war. The statement reflects a longing for stability and prosperity, which are often sacrificed in the pursuit of military victories. Arthur's acknowledgment serves as a timeless reminder of the high cost of war and the enduring value of peace, resonating with readers as a universal truth applicable beyond the medieval setting of the Arthurian legends.

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