American Dream " Song of Myself"

In "Song of Myself," Walt Whitman talks about the American Dream in a really cool way. He's all about individuals being awesome and doing their own thing. Whitman thinks everyone is important and has the right to follow their dreams without anyone holding them back.

He loves the idea of America being this huge place full of opportunities. It's not just about getting rich or being famous; it's about feeling connected to nature and doing what makes you happy. Whitman talks about how the land itself is part of the dream, saying you can find him even in the dirt under your shoes. It's like he's saying the American Dream is everywhere, not just in fancy stuff.

Whitman also believes in being true to yourself. He tells people to forget what they've been taught if it doesn't feel right to them. He wants everyone to trust themselves and be proud of who they are. It's like he's saying the real American Dream is about being yourself, not what others want you to be.

Even when things get tough, Whitman stays positive. He sees both good and bad in life, but he's all about facing challenges with strength and hope. He talks about how he's the poet of both the body and the soul, showing that the American Dream is about experiencing all parts of life, the good and the bad.

Overall, Whitman's take on the American Dream is about freedom, adventure, and being true to yourself. He sees it as a journey where you can discover who you are and what makes you happy. And even when things get hard, he believes in the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles and find joy.

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